Having an ignition interlock device (IID) installed in your vehicle(s) after a DUI arrest or if you refused alcohol testing after being stopped by police can let you continue legally driving even though your license has been suspended.
If you choose to get an IID, it’s crucial that you follow the rules. Violating them – particularly if it involves trying to “trick” the system– is only going to endanger your driving privileges and possibly cause you more legal issues. Keeping your scheduled monitoring appointments where the IID is calibrated is also essential.
The IID is an electronic device that attaches to your car’s ignition. It won’t allow your vehicle to start until you have blown into it and shown that you have a blood alcohol content (BAC) under .02 or whatever level the court has set. It also requires regular “rolling retests” after the engine starts.
What can cause an IID to malfunction or falsely report a violation?
Several things related to your vehicle can prevent an IID from working or provide an inaccurate reading. By knowing about them, you can help prevent your IID from falsely reporting a violation.
- A dying or defective battery: An IID shouldn’t put unusual strain on your battery, but if your battery dies, your IID system could read that as a violation. It’s best to be sure your battery is in good shape before you have the IID installed and not to let your vehicle sit unused for a long period.
- Leaving your vehicle unattended and running: If you’re in the habit of leaving your engine on while you jump out and run inside for something, you’ll need to break that habit. The IID requires the driver to blow into it intermittently to ensure that they don’t start drinking after starting the car. If you don’t do that, it’s a violation.
- Subjecting the vehicle to cold temperatures: Cold weather can freeze the IID’s components. That’s a bigger problem in other parts of the country than in Georgia. However, if we have a cold snap or you’re traveling to somewhere colder, it’s wise to find out how best to prevent problems from the professionals who installed your device.
If you have the option to get an IID to resume driving, it’s important to know what is involved and to make sure you can comply with the requirements. Learning more about Georgia’s IID program can help.