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How to respond when confronted by an aggressive driver 

On Behalf of | Feb 11, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

Many people classify driving as a leisurely activity. Others rely on the use of a vehicle to carry out their employment duties. Either way, driving has the potential to be dangerous. 

At some point in time, every road user will come across another driver who acts aggressively. Aggressive behaviors could include tailgating, hand gestures, shouting, honking the horn and much more. Such encounters can be intimidating and it is not always easy knowing what to do for the best. Thankfully, there are some ways that you can prevent road rage situations from escalating. Outlined below are some tips for responding to an aggressive driver.

Avoid confrontation

The problem with aggressive behavior is that it commonly invokes an equivalent response. In most situations, but especially on the roads, this will be of no benefit to you. A large part of the motivation for a driver acting out might be to initiate a confrontation.

By responding in the manner they desire, you are not only letting them win but placing yourself in potential danger. The most important thing is that you make it to your destination safely. This is vital to remember during a road rage encounter. 

Take a break

After you have successfully managed not to retaliate, and let the driver pass you, it is possible that you will still be reeling from the experience. This is perfectly normal but the important thing is that you did not make matters worse. Take some time to pull over at a safe spot and regain your composure.

Aggressive drivers are a danger to everyone but there are ways to address this. If you have been involved in a road rage encounter, you may report the driver to the relevant authorities. In the unfortunate event that you have been injured during an incident, you might be able to make a claim for compensation.