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Facing criminal law charges? It’s time to log off social media

On Behalf of | May 2, 2024 | Criminal Defense

If you are facing criminal charges, every action and decision that you make from now until your case is fully resolved can significantly impact its outcome. This reality includes any use of social media.

Staying off of social media can be challenging, especially if you use platforms regularly to network, connect with loved ones and engage in self-expression. However, as you are facing criminal charges, one of the wisest decisions you can make is to log off social media for now. 

Your activity can be used against you

Social media posts can be subpoenaed and used as evidence in court, even if your privacy settings are maximized. Whether it’s a photo, a status update or even a seemingly innocuous comment, anything you share online can be taken out of context and used by prosecutors to build a case against you. 

Additionally, many social media platforms have features that can reveal your location or suggest that you were at a particular place at a specific time. This type of information can potentially contradict your statements or alibis provided as part of your defense. Disabling such features is essential, but completely refraining from using social media is even safer.

Don’t rush to delete your accounts

Yes, social media activity can undermine the strength of your defense. However, prosecutors and law enforcement officials can interpret changes in your social media behavior—such as deleting posts, changing privacy settings or suddenly decreasing your online activity—as suspicious or as an attempt to hide something. These actions might be presented in a negative light, suggesting guilt or consciousness of guilt. As such, you’ll want to avoid making dramatic alterations to your accounts until you’ve spoken with counsel. 

It’s worth repeating that staying off of social media can be rough. But, protecting your rights and your future should be your top priority, and stepping back from social media can serve as a proactive step in safeguarding both.