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At Healan Law Offices, P.C., Your Case Will Be A Priority

Motorcycle Accidents Quickly Turn Dangerous

Many people throughout Georgia take a leisurely ride on their motorcycle as soon as the weather allows it. While we take steps to protect ourselves, unfortunately, accidents happen. These cases can be especially complicated due to the fact that your vehicle is so much smaller than others around you. You need an attorney you can trust. Healan Law Offices, P.C., has been helping injured clients for over 40 years.

Common Causes Of Accidents

There are some obvious reasons why motorcycle accidents can quickly become serious. People who are driving in cars have thousands of pounds of metal protecting them. They also have seatbelts and airbags. A motorcycle doesn’t have much protecting riders besides the helmet the driver is wearing. There also are several problems they face that are unique. They include:

  • Visual recognition: Bikes are obviously much smaller and more likely to be hidden by other vehicles.
  • Road hazards: Potholes, puddles, debris and uneven pavement pose more danger to bikers.
  • Wobble accidents: When the front end of a motorcycle becomes unstable, it leaves the driver to experience shaky conditions.
  • Riding familiarity: Some drivers aren’t as confident as they should be, and panic often leads to an accident.

As drivers, we do everything we can to protect ourselves. Driving at appropriate speeds, wearing the correct gear and keeping a watchful eye on those around us can help prevent an accident. That being said, not all accidents are preventable. If you or a loved one has been injured, you need an attorney who will treat your case with the urgency it deserves.

We Want To Help; Call Now

No two cases are the same, and we are here to give you the individualized attention you need. Let us help you fight for the best possible solution. Contact our office in Winder today at 678-661-3318 or fill out our contact form.